

The person or entity responsible for maintaining records on behalf of the Issuer for the purpose of recording the names of the owners of Registered Bonds.  Typically, the Trustee is also the Registrar and Paying Agent.

Life’s a Party

Learn more about the various parties involved in a municipal securities transaction and their roles.

See Also

Registered Bond

A bond whose owner is designated on records maintained for this purpose by a registrar, often the paying agent or trustee. 

Paying Agent

The institution, often appointed in an indenture or a paying agency agreement, responsible for making payments of interest and principal to bondholders.


A commercial bank or trust company with trust powers which acts in a fiduciary capacity for and on behalf of the bondholders by entering into an indenture with the issuer of the bonds.

Hudson Yards Rail Yards

Start with the Bond Basics

Blue Sky Memorandum

Memorandum to Underwriter(s) setting forth the requirements of the state securities laws in the states where the Bonds are anticipated to be sold.