
Closing Memorandum

A narrative form of, or adjunct to, the Closing Index describing the participants, their roles in the financing, Flow of Funds on the date of the Closing, closing instructions and the documents for which the transaction participants are responsible.

See Also


The date of delivery of a new issue of bonds, at which time the issuer delivers the bonds and the requisite legal documents to the underwriter or other bond purchaser in exchange for the purchase price.

Closing Index

An index of all documents to be delivered at a closing and included in the closing transcript.

Closing Transcript

The final record of all executed documents delivered at the closing or shortly thereafter as a bound transcript or in electronic form.

Hudson Yards Rail Yards

Start with the Bond Basics


A commercial bank or trust company with trust powers which acts in a fiduciary capacity for and on behalf of the bondholders by entering into an indenture with the issuer of the bonds.