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New Year; New Debt Ceiling

What the latest debt limit approach means for municipal market and its stakeholders.

Secretary of the U.S. Department of Treasury Janet Yellen
Secretary of the U.S. Department of Treasury Janet Yellen

By Brian Egan, Director of Government Affairs, NABL

In June 2023, Congress passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA)―which, among other things, suspended the debt ceiling through January 1, 2025. In a letter to Congress last month, Treasury Secretary Yellen announced that due to several technicalities in the federal budget, the United States’ debt load recently decreased by about $54 billion. The letter went on to explain that the decrease would allow the federal government to fully maintain operations for a bit longer beyond the January 1 date set in statue. Yellen estimates that the federal government should be able to continue its operations through January 14 – 23 but notes estimating these dates is an imprecise science.

Once the federal government hits the debt limit, Yellen (or whoever leads Treasury at that time) will likely issue an order to begin implementing extraordinary measures, which are essentially accounting maneuvers that allow the federal government to temporarily continue its operations with minimal impact even after the debt ceiling has been reached. Extraordinary measures offer only an interim solution, and Congress will almost certainly need to address the debt ceiling to avoid potentially catastrophic scenarios.

Bond counsel and municipal market participants should note that extraordinary measures have historically included the suspension of new sales of State and Local Government Series (SLGS) securities. Treasury, however, only suspended the SLGS window in 2023 after four months of extraordinary measures. The delayed suspension of SLGS was likely due to the limited amount of SLGS in the market following the elimination of advance refunding bonds in 2017 and in response to municipal market outcry during past suspensions.

The Road Ahead

In December, President-Elect Trump urged House Republicans to push for a solution to the upcoming debt ceiling during negotiations to continue FY2025 appropriations. Congress ultimately passed a second FY2025 continuing resolution (CR) that did not include a provision to address the debt ceiling, but congressional Republicans agreed to address the debt ceiling early in 2025. Any path forward faces tricky political realities.

The Bottom Line

While extraordinary measures will likely begin in mid- to late-January, Congress likely has additional time to address the debt ceiling before reaching the dreaded x-date―the projected date on which the federal government would be unable to meet its debt servicing obligations without drastic measures.

NABL will continue to update members as negotiations on the debt ceiling proceed, but in the interim, here are the key points to know: