Fairmont Austin Texas
Fairmont Austin Texas
  • CLE Eligible

The Essentials 2026

Foundational conference for attorneys and other municipal market participants new to areas of bond law hosted in Austin, TX on March 5 – March 6, 2026.

  • CLE Eligible

The Essentials 2025

Foundational conference for attorneys and other municipal market participants new to areas of bond law hosted in Kansas City, MO on May 14 – May 16, 2025.

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  • CLE Eligible

General Tax Law [The Essentials 2023]

This session will introduce federal tax laws governing municipal bonds.

Hyatt Regency Baltimore, MD
  • CLE Eligible

The Essentials 2023 [Session Bundle]

Must attend conference for attorneys and other market participants new to bond law or looking for a refresher. Join us in Baltimore April 19-21, 2023.

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  • CLE Eligible

Tying It All Together [The Essentials 2023]

Panelists play the roles of issuer, underwriter, bond attorney, and tax attorney as they navigate through a bond transaction from start to finish.

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  • CLE Eligible

Ethics for Bond Attorneys 101 [The Essentials 2023]

This session will introduce federal tax laws governing municipal bonds.

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  • CLE Eligible

Conduit Issues AND Exempt Facility Bonds [The Essentials 2023]

Introduction to state law creation of and limitations on conduit bond issuers, the roles of counsel, multi-state issuers, and many other issues unique to conduit bond issues.

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  • CLE Eligible

Refunding and Reissuance, Real World Examples [The Essentials 2023]

Discussion of hypotheticals that involve the application of certain federal tax laws relating to refundings, including the repeal of tax-exempt advance refundings, as well as reissuance.

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  • CLE Eligible

Arbitrage and Rebate, Real World Examples [The Essentials 2023]

Discussion of hypotheticals that involve the application of certain federal tax laws relating to arbitrage rebate and the exceptions to the arbitrage rebate.

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  • CLE Eligible

Qualified 501(c)(3) Bonds [The Essentials 2023]

This session will introduce federal tax laws governing municipal bonds.

  • Webinars
  • CLE Eligible

Underwriting Behind the Scenes [The Essentials 2023]

Introduction to and discussion of the underwriting process, including all aspects of structuring the deal through taking the municipal bonds to market.

  • Webinars
  • CLE Eligible

Avoiding Private Activity-Basic [The Essentials 2023]

Overview of the private activity bond rules applicable to tax-exempt municipal bond transactions.