Latest Happenings

Interior of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. Source: Phil Roeder via Wikimedia Commons
Interior of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. Source: Phil Roeder via Wikimedia Commons
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Judicial Watch 2024: Admin Power and Establishment Clause Cases

A pair of recent SCOTUS rulings could reshape agency rulemaking and enforcement powers, and a case out of Oklahoma could be the next front in establishment clause questions.

Budding marijuana greenhouse facility in Denver, CO. Source: Cannabis Tours via Wikimedia Foundation
Budding marijuana greenhouse facility in Denver, CO. Source: Cannabis Tours via Wikimedia Foundation
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DEA Rescheduling of Marijuana

Regulators have proposed moving marijuana from a Schedule I to Schedule III drug. What do we know and what do we not know?

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Requests for 2024-2025 IRS Priority Guidance Plan

Requested items for inclusion on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) 2024-2025 Priority Guidance Plan.

Supporting finance for our Communities

Our Priorities

We support sensible policies that enable our state and local governments to tap into the $4 trillion municipal market and finance critical infrastructure that builds strong, healthy, economically vibrant communities. We serve as a brain trust and resource for policymakers looking to strengthen financing tools for our communities. Specifically, we focus on federal tax and securities laws governing municipal markets.

Members of the NABL Board of Directors on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building.

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Bond lawyers are trusted voices on public finance issues in Congress, federal agencies, and partner organizations. Your voice carries the weight of that expertise. Find out ways you can advocate for NABL priorities.

Representative Terri Sewell (D-AL) shows NABL 2023 President her phone in the U.S. Capitol Building.

Recent Comments

Letter to Speaker Johnson

NABL congratulates the newly-elected Speaker and offers to serve as a resource on all things related to bond law.

Amicus Brief IMPA v. US (Cert)

A joint amicus brief submitted by NABL and several other municipal market groups in support of a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Indiana Municipal Power Agency v. US case, which raises several questions relating to the sequestration of Build America Bond (BAB) refund payments.

Other Resources

Legislative Tracker

Stay on top of bills related to municipal finance in Congress.

Advocacy Primer

Meeting with your members of Congress? Download and print our 118th Congress Advocacy Primer to guide your meetings.

Get To Know the GAC

The Governmental Affairs Committee

Encourages and aides our members in advocating on the importance of tax-advantaged bonds to state and local governments.

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